Tionne fired from The Celebrity Apprentice; Trump fired from my DVR


This is the first season I’ve watched The Apprentice and now I remember why I never watched it to begin with: Because Donald Trump is a douchebag.

Last night, Trump fired 2 people in the boardroom because both teams failed to appeal to the sponsor at hand. Melissa Rivers led Team Athena and asked if anyone would volunteer to go to the boardroom with her, as she didn’t want to throw anyone under the bus. Melissa was ready to take full responsibility for the loss and said so many times. Tionne, the team player that she is, volunteer and entered with Melissa and Brande. Then, out of left field, Trump fires her. Reason being: You never volunteer for the boardroom, which apparently some lawyer guy did in a past season.

Trump asked Tionne if she knew who the lawyer-dude was, and she didn’t. Because the show blows and she doesn’t watch it. Trump basically punished Tionne for not watching his fucking show, which is absolutely ridiculous. I really thought Tionne was going to make it quite far, especially after she stepped up last week and led her team to victory. Trump can do what he wants with Reality Nobodys, but these are celebs. The rules are and should be different. Him firing Tionne was absolutely bullshit.

Then, as if it couldn’t get any worse, we turn to Team Kotu. Clint Black disregarded his entire team for the entire task. He listened to nobody, didn’t assign jobs, and basically shut out the entire Kotu team from the decision making process. As Clint, Khloe (Kardashian), and Natalie (Gulbis) enter the boardroom, Trump calls out Khloe for her DUI (she had to take a leave of absence from the show in order to attend some classes in LA). He says he “didn’t know that’s what she was leaving for” and said that if he had known from the beginning, he wouldn’t have asked her to be on the show at all.

So let me get this straight: Dennis Rodman can walk around on camera wasted out of his fucking mind all day because he’s Dennis Rodman, but Khloe, someone who is appearing on the show to help The Brent Shapiro Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Awareness and to make good for what she’s done has to get fired for no reason? Her getting fired for personal reasons has nothing to do with the game and nothing to do with the task.

Clearly, Clint and Melissa were saved because they’re bringing the drama and drama is good for ratings.  Melissa and Annie (Duke) can continue to go at it, and Joan (Rivers) and Clint can also do the same. LAME Trump.

I can’t believe I’m even wasting my time watching this. It’s clearly time for me to delete this from my DVR, and never watch it again.

Trump. You’re fired.