The Mole Ended…aaaaand the winner is…

SPOILERS for the finale of The Mole (but it’s not like anyone was watching it anyways…)







I’m glad Mark won. He clearly deserved it and definitely threw a hissy fit when his journal burned put in the hard work to win the cash. Honestly though, if Nicole had won, I would have applauded her as well. She was really intelligent and played the game in ways that others didn’t. Kudos for her to make it to the finals!

Since this season has only had an average of about 2.5ish viewers, I doubt ABC will renew it. Which sucks, because The Mole really is quite fun in a spy/espionage sort of way.

I’m currently catching up on Season 2, and The Mole always proves to be enjoyable! And Anderson Cooper (or as Kathy Griffin likes to refer to him, ‘Andy’) is a waaaaaay better host than Jon Kelley.

Can Survivor start now?