I have taste, I swear…

but DAMMIT did I get addicted to Celebrity Rehab.  I thought that getting a DVR would be a good thing, but really it just increased my reality TV watching.  I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.  Moving on…

I halfway anticipated this show to be drunken and obnoxious.  I waited for them all to say “eff this, treatment sucks! Where the drugs at?”  I mean, that would’ve totally been an interesting watch!  And though the show hasn’t gone totally the way I originally thought, for some reason, I’m still drawn to its powers of healing and care giving.  Messed up, right?

Jeff Conway (Grease, Taxi) is a walking time-bomb, which turns out to be great television.  He threatens to leave almost every week, mostly after visits from his addict, whack-job of a gf that smuggles in alcohol to the rehab center.  (Her name’s Vicki, and she’s a douche. I mean, WHO DOES THAT?!?)

Then there’s Mary Ellen, aka porn star Mary Carey who is struggling with her alcoholism, who turned out to be quite a sad story given her struggles with her schizophrenic/semi-suicidal mother.  And Jessica Sierra, formerly of American Idol fame, who is dependent on drugs and booze, stemming from her mother’s overdose.

I started watching the show for a good laugh, but there seemed to be too many real things in the show that I couldn’t possibly chuckle without losing a part of my soul and lacking some general humanitarian aspect of my being.  I started getting into Rehab, rooting for each celeb to show personal growth from last week.  Jeff is out of his wheelchair and walking! Chyna Doll had a breakthrough!  Jamiee Foxworth said and did nothing, but at least she’s not still stoned!

And then there’s Dr. Drew.  Is there anything this man can’t do?  He appears to be a superhero in these celebs lives, swooping through with his mighty cape and superpowers and curing them in a jiffy.  I think I hear a season two beckoning…I miss Loveline.  Why did that go away?

All in all, this show is less of a disaster area than I thought it would be, and dare I say it, I kind of enjoy it!  Thank god the writers’ strike is over, or else I’d probably start watching The Hills next. UGH.

I’m totally kidding.  Kind of…