Pizza Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

A very wise Daria Morgendorffer once said: “There is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can’t be improved with pizza.” A truer statement has never been spoken. After all, pizza is a great thing. (You can keep your Domino’s, Pizza Hut, and other bullshit cheese/bread concoctions, though, because I live near the…

‘Epic Film’ Alert: ‘Gentleman’s Agreement,’ Starring Gregory Peck and Fake Cheese!

What do Gregory Peck, the gays and vegan “play” cheese have in common? Absolutely nothing at all! Welcome to another installment of The Littlest Winslow’s Epic Film Quest extraordinaire! This time, Gentleman’s Agreement (1947) was on the docket, we giggled about how silly the 40’s were, and I ate some surprisingly awesome pseudo-cheese made by Zoe…

Adventures in Paleo: My Life as a Caveman

For the past three weeks, I’ve embarked on what I like to call a wee little “food challenge.” (I loathe the word “diet” more than I loathe “Glee” and wet blankets.) Since April 16, I’ve been rocking the Paleo lifestyle pretty hardcore – aka the “Caveman Diet.” (Egads! That word is a sneaky little bugger.)…