From Lugosi to Leatherface, Horror Gallery Offers Nightmares for All

The ol’ gf and I went a-weekending up in Salem, Massachusetts and stumbled upon this nifty little treat: Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery, located at 285 Derby Street.

The museum is comprised of figures from some of the best horror movies put to film. Old and new are represented – you can check out the Bride of Frankenstein hanging out by the entrance near Bela Lugosi’s Dracula. Figures from The Exorcist, Salem’s Lot, It, and a ton more can be found on the 25-minute walking tour.

The make-up is top notch, done by Hollywood special effects artists, and the ambiance is just as radical. Sounds of horror permeate through as you make your way down dark hallways and sharp corners. Plaques with fun trivia are at every figure, so you’ll even learn something too! Some of the statues are so incredibly well-done that if you stare at them long enough, they’ll pierce your soul – you can really freak yourself out in there.

If you love scary movies, you must visit this Horror themed Madame Toussad’s-esque museum. And say hello to the guy out front for me:

Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery costs $8 for adults, and $6 for kids and students. You can visit them on Facebook too!


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