Finnish Hillbillies Steve’n’Seagulls Cover AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’

acdcAt first, Steve’n’Seagulls sound and look like they’re something from the deep south. Georgia? Kentucky? West Virginia? (I don’t know what constitutes “the deep south” really, but I went to West Virginia once and shit got weird. Fast.) It turns out that this banjo-pluckin’, cello-strumming, anvil hittin’ band of hillbillies are actually from…Finland?

Didn’t see that coming.

The group gets down and dirty with AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck” here, and holy hell is it a sexy cover. Bonus points for the accordion, too. Extra bonus points for harmonizing like a pack of redneck song birds. That doesn’t really make sense. But none of this madness makes any sense because what I thought was going to be a huge joke turned out to be so mothereffing coooooool.

Check out how these bluegrass debonaires turn AC/DC completely upside down and marvel at the wonder of the Internet.


Check these rascals out on Facebook or visit their YouTube channel for more!

Props to D1 for the link!