Carvey and Myers Perform New ‘Wayne’s World’ Skit, My Head Explodes

My prayers were answered!

Dana Carvey and Mike Myers put on their ripped jeans once again to portray Garth Algar and Wayne Campbell in a brand spankin’ new Wayne’s World skit on Saturday’s episode of SNL. Carvey was there hosting, and Myers was there being awesome.

It’s Wayne’s World! Wayne’s World! Party time! Excellent!

Life. is. complete.

The rest of the episode remained (surprisingly) strong, including a return of the Church Lady as well! The entire episode can be viewed here or on Netflix Instant.

2 thoughts on “Carvey and Myers Perform New ‘Wayne’s World’ Skit, My Head Explodes

  1. I actually though this skit was pretty funny, but it just got brutalized in online reviews of the show.

    BTW Winter’s Bone is in my Netflix Queue!

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