Survivor Gabon Finale: How the hell did Susie get three votes!?

As you all know by now (since I’m a total slacker-type blogger and not writing this until two days later), that BOB CROWLEY won Survivor Gabon! The 58-year-old physics teacher beat out Susie and Sugar in a 4-3-0 vote that shocked and appalled us all, I’m sure. And not because Bob won…but because Susie actually…

Survivor Gabon: Ding-Dong the bitch is dead!

Spoilers. This week’s Survivor. DVR viewers beware…You know the drill.. Ok. What a terrible title for the weekly Survivor post. There are 3 reasons for this: 1) it’s before noon on a Saturday morning and that’s all the creativity I can spare. 2) I was up late at a Mindless Self Indulgence show and I’m…

Survivor Gabon: F**k the Jury

Spoilerrrrrrrrrs from last night Sugar, Sugar, Sugar. Crystal, Crystal, Crystal. You do know that the JURY are the ones who actually hand over the million dollars, right? And even though you loathe Randy, you still shouldn’t twist the knife to ensure that he does not give it to you, right? Anyone!? While writing Randy’s name…

Survivor Gabon: Sweet, Sweet Sugar

Spoiler alert for this week’s episode. Don’t read if you haven’t watched….yada yada yada. I’m going to see how many blog entries I can write about Survivor that possess a pun about sugar. Because if you didn’t know: I LOVE HER. What a play! What a move! Crystal and Kenny should be kissing her ass…

Survivor Gabon: Playing with fire

This post contains spoilers for 10/16’s episode of Survivor: Gabon So why do I have a picture of Kota lying around doing nothing? Because seriously…this is apparently all they need to do to win this game. Lay back. Do nothing. Because Fang will self destruct and lose on their own. The tribes were even switched…

So what do we think of Survivor: Gabon?

This post contains spoilers for the first 3 episodes of Survivor: Gabon. We’re three episodes into Survivor’s 17th season being held in Gabon, Africa. So far, we’ve seen Michelle, Gillian, and Paloma voted out: No loss there. The scheming has started, the starvation is setting in, and I imagine the crazy is about to begin.…

Meet the cast of Survivor: Gabon

Check out the season 17 cast here. Or, check out the official CBS site for Survivor: Gabon. This shit premieres Thursday, Sept. 25th at 8 p.m.  It’ll definitely be on my Fall DVR To-Do list, but more on that later…