Shouldn't have left you.

Without a dope beat to step to. WHAT IS UP, KIDZ!? I know…it’s been awhile. But The Littlest Winslow shall reign forever and always. No with classes over, I’m ready for a summer of fun in the sun, and smog on the blog! What’s of greatest importance that lures me back to the depths of…

Remembering Harold & Kumar

As promised, here is my sloppy, half-untrue-because-I-was-really-messed-up review of Harold & Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay. (Note to self: “Guantanamo” is probably spelled wrong. You should look it up.) (*Edit Note to self*: Not doing it. Way too lazy). It’s cliche, but “it was good, but not as good as the first!” Wink. Nod. Smile.…