A fellow fan calls out some Bauer bullshit

I received this email from a disgruntled friend/fellow “24” fan re: last night’s 2 hour event. Note: He is a die-hard fan who never has anything bad to say about Jack Bauer or “24”.  Enjoy: ——- “Dear friends of 24, I have never been more disappointed with a 2 hour event. Nick, sorry I’m not…

'24': The following took place between 4pm and 5pm

The mole has been exposed! That snakey little weasel Sean was shown talking to the baddies on his work phone! I really was convinced that the mole would be the President’s right hand man Ethan. Then, Curtis’s dad talked me into thinking it was Janis – but alas! We were all WRONG. So the episode…

'24' – The following took place between 3pm and 4pm

Another slam-tastic episode! (Any haters out there still complaining about “24”: Sit down.)  Jack, Bill, Walker and Matobo finally got the chance to speak with President Taylor regarding the situation and the CIP device. When all was said and done, Taylor asked Jack how she knows she could trust him. His response was one of…

24: The following took place between 2pm and 3pm

Tonight’s episode wasn’t as good as last week’s previews made it seem, but we still had some pivotal action-packed sequences to tide us over until next week. Like I said last week – the First Gentleman isn’t out of danger. Bad Guy #2 found Henry and is now transferring him over to Dubaku. Looks like…

24: The following took place between 1pm and 2pm

I’ll start by saying that pictures of Carly Pope as Samantha Roth – hard to find! I give up! I found one, but WordPress wouldn’t load it. DAMN THE MAN! Why was I looking for a Samantha Roth picture? Because she is, as we like to say, D.E.D. Dead (Ok, that’s not going to make…

'24': The following took place between 12pm and 1pm

Any critic or fan that tries to say that ’24’ isn’t back is lying and full of shit. Last night’s episode (numero 5 of the season) brought just as much action, intrigue, and hilarity as the 4 hour premiere. And that ending!? Whoa… So Jack and Tony are undercover and still trying to kidnap Matobo…

'24' Season 7: The following took place between 10am and 12pm

Who else thought that hours 10-12pm were waaaay better than the first two? We had more action, more character development, and our first plot twist of the season!  Spoiler alert: Don’t read this until you’ve watched! Let’s start small – Renee Walker. Hospital scene. Choking off Tanner’s air supply. Look’s like she’s got a little…

'24' Season 7: The following took place between 8am and 10am…

’24’ Season 7 started last night and I must say: I’m pretty intrigued! Though the premiere was good but nothing spectacular, I still think we’re in for a long action-packed day of events. Here are some general thoughts I had while watching. I’ll be posting again tomorrow after the rest of the 4-hour-premiere airs. 1.…

Mid-season C O U N T D O W N !

It’s almost here. The anticipation has been killllinnnngggg meeeee. Only 2 more days until the premiere of Season 7 of 24. I will be doing weekly recaps, so 24 fans unite! I think we’re in for a rollercoaster of a season (one that will hopefully far surpass that shitshow they called the 6th season…ugh, I…

'24' : Redeemed.

I’ve been debating about whether or not to write about “24: Redemption” because I don’t really want to beat a dead horse (What does that even mean? Why would anyone beat a dead corpse like that!? Expressions are stOOOpid.) I will say this though: Overall, “24” has proved that it’s sorry for its sins committed…