Happening Sh*t – May 16, 2013 – Fall TV Edition!

Devastating. Happy Endings has bit the dust. Keep those fingers crossed though, Interweb: rumor has it that USA may be scooping the zany sitcom up just like TBS did last year with Cougar Town. I really hope this isn’t the last we’ve seen of SinBrad. So even though this sucks royally, there’s still happening Fall TV-related…

Why You Should All Visit ‘The Cabin in the Woods’

Mostly everything you’ve already heard about The Cabin in the Woods is true. Yes, it’s almost impossible to truly showcase the film’s depth without getting all spoiler-y. Yes, Joss Whedon (and co-writer/director Drew Goddard) has done it again, creating one of the most unique and visual horror experiences in years. Yes, Cabin is perhaps the…

Swoon Over This ‘Avengers’ Trailer

Joss Whedon. Sam Jackson. Robert Downey, Jr.  ScarJo. Jeremy Renner. The list goes on and on. The Avengers hits theaters on May 4 in epic digital 3D glory. Lets all take two and a half minutes out of our Thursdays to bask in the light that is this trailer. Not only will The Avengers likely…

‘Community’ Just Keeps Getting Better

Last night’s Community episode (“Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking”) had Abed filming the study group a la The Office, as Pierce, in the hospital from an overdose, continued playing mind tricks on them through the bequeathing of various “gifts” meant to torture them. That was a mouthful. The best part? THIS: Community loves Firefly! Brilliant! Amazing! I…

‘Captain America’ Poster: Dark, dismal and interesting by default

Captain America: The First Avenger opens July 22, and even though I’m pretty iffy on superhero movies (my interest wavers, depending on the series), this poster looks pretty rockin’. It’s dark and dreary, the suit looks badass, the expression on Chris Evans’ face is reserved and contemplative – lookin’ good Joe Johnston! Captain America will…