'24': The following took place between 4pm and 5pm

The mole has been exposed! That snakey little weasel Sean was shown talking to the baddies on his work phone! I really was convinced that the mole would be the President’s right hand man Ethan. Then, Curtis’s dad talked me into thinking it was Janis – but alas! We were all WRONG. So the episode…

'24' Season 7: The following took place between 10am and 12pm

Who else thought that hours 10-12pm were waaaay better than the first two? We had more action, more character development, and our first plot twist of the season!  Spoiler alert: Don’t read this until you’ve watched! Let’s start small – Renee Walker. Hospital scene. Choking off Tanner’s air supply. Look’s like she’s got a little…