Support This! F*ck Fitness Tees Now Available

ManShirtGray-e1386292565868Last May, TLW chatted with Zoe Eisenberg, the writer of Courtesy Flusha film funded through Kickstarter directed by Phillips Payson. Good news, indie film fans – the movie recently wrapped on The Big Island in Hawaii and is now being edited and prepped for film festivals!

As you may know, story revolves around James and Lexi, a young couple from New York City who accidentally became a fitness sensation when their YouTube series, a campy, comedic erotic exercise spoof titled “F*ck Fitness,” went viral. Riding the coattails of their Internet fame, they created a series of best-selling satirical workout DVDs, shot a pilot for a reality show parody that never got picked up, and spent a few years circulating their absurd fitness phenomenon. Now washed up in their late twenties, the couple has outgrown their former passion project. In an attempt to outrun their ridiculous image, they move from New York City to a small Hawaiian jungle town on the edge of an active volcano. And that’s when the crazy happens…

For the first time ever, you can now own your very own F*ck Fitness tee! They come in gray and blue and come in various sizes (with ladies tees on the way!), and you can pick up your very own shirt here for $25. All proceeds will help Eisenberg and Payson pay off festival fees and arrange travel to show their film far and wide! (And for the record – I own one of these shirts, and they’re super comfortable and will get you into many interesting conversations…)

So continue to support independent films, oh, Internet! And don’t forget to check out Kickstarter for more information on Courtesy Flush, and holler some nonsense at Zoe over on Twitter.

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