Shouldn't have left you.

Without a dope beat to step to.

WHAT IS UP, KIDZ!? I know…it’s been awhile. But The Littlest Winslow shall reign forever and always. No with classes over, I’m ready for a summer of fun in the sun, and smog on the blog!

What’s of greatest importance that lures me back to the depths of WordPress hell to write about?


Coming soon to a computer near you… The story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he’s too shy to talk to. Featuring Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible, Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer, Felicia Day as Penny and a cast of dozens.

Joss Whedon. What WILL he come up with next!?!?!

Season Pass is available on iTunes for a measly, skimpy $3.99! So yeah, it’ll be online for free for a week, or you can pay for quality comedic, fictional entertainment and support a little project that’s worth supporting!

Review of Act 1 to follow. Sometime.

and oh yeah…check out the trailer for the project HEREEEEEE.