Make Sweet Love to This Whiskey Bacon Cheese Sauce

whiskey bacon cheese sauceIs there any meal out there that you wouldn’t want to drown in a whiskey bacon cheese sauce? You know what? I’m going to say that again:

Whiskey Bacon Cheese Sauce.

Want. Need.

This savory, smokey sauce (courtesy of Whiskey Bacon) can be added to any meat or pasta dish, and can also be sloshed on top of those green things your mom used to nag you about. In short, it has whiskey and bacon in it, so make this already, dammit, and roll around naked in it. (Last part: optional.)

Here’s what you need:

-2 medium onions
-3 garlic cloves
-1 cup of whiskey
-1 cup chicken stock
-8 oz cream cheese
-32 oz shredded cheese
-1 cup (already cooked) chopped bacon

Here’s what you do:

1. Heat a large saucepan to medium. Slice onions and garlic into thin strips. Saute onions and garlic in bacon fat until tender.

2. Add chicken broth and whiskey, cooking into the onions and garlic until 2/3 of the liquid is rendered off.

3. Whisk in cream cheese, then in 1/4 cup increments, add in shredded cheese until smooth.

4. Toss in the bacon and mix well.

5. Slam it to your face.

This recipe will cover a full pound of pasta, to give you an idea of how much it yields. If bacon and whiskey are your jam, double the recipe and use some of it as a dipping sauce for french fries, potato chips, hash browns and eggs, or literally fucking anything.

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