Lucky 25: ‘The Sting’

Boom. I don’t know why 25 is lucky. I think I mostly made that up. But 25 seems like such a great landmark in my quest! 25 of 82. With last night’s viewing of The Sting (Best Picture, 1973), I’m chuggin’ right along here!

Last night I had two co-pilots on this magic carpet ride – one friend and one fiance (although I’m not sure if she counts, because she left right when the title-card “THE STING” came on screen. Judges?). Watching with my fellow colleagues made it a much different experience. I was no longer David going to battle the mighty Goliath all solo-like. Rather, I was more Frodo-esque. Still pretty fucked, but taking some close pals down with me as I go.

Sooooooo, YEAH! Robert Redford and Paul Newman, aye? I must admit – I didn’t really know much of their work before this. All I can remember about Redford is that my mom loves Up Close and Personal. And I hate it. That’s about it. The roundtable viewing allowed us to not only make fun of the fact that a young Redford looks slightly like Brad Pitt (well, that’s not exactly making fun of them, per se), but it also aided in our full enjoyment of the MONTAGE SCENES. Yep! From a shopping montage to a haircut-one (wtf?), you just gotta love the montage.

Heist movies are pretty rad though. Con movies too. Not so much Dane Cook skits about heists though. I can leave those behind.

In other news, kudos on the set designs and music, Team Sting. This 70’s film really captured the zeitgeist of the 30’s, and well, I just haven’t seen enough 30’s movies to really understand that period of time and film.

That’s all going to change though. Just you wait and see.

Still clueless as to what the hell I’m doing?