Horror Alert: ‘V/H/S’ Opens Nationwide October 5

The Internet is buzzing around the latest found footage horror flick, V/H/S. One of the first places I heard about the film was over at Horrorella. She writes:

V/H/S is a found footage horror anthology film. You heard me right. An anthology film (Creepshow-style) made up of multiple found-footage-style segments directed by the likes of Ti West, Adam Wingard, Joe Swanberg, Glenn McQuaid, David Bruckner, and Radio Silence. The framing device is that a group of trouble-making assholes is hired to break into this house to steal a rare VHS tape. Amid a mass of VHS tapes in the house, they uncover the various stories featured in this film.

Not only does it sound completely badass, but the trailer looks like its a chilling rollercoaster ride. With Halloween right around the corner, looks like Paranormal Activity 9 or whatever is surely going to have some competition this holiday season!

Rad, right? So like that headline says – V/H/S hits theaters everywhere October 5th. And don’t forget to check out Horrorella for all things Horror and more!

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