Bacon Quote of the Day!

Remember that tasty little morsel I received for Christmas? Well, I’ve decided to share some bacon facts with you intermittently. That’s right, kids! I’m sharing the WEALTH. (And also eating bacon simultaneously as I post this. I’m a multi-tasker at large!). Technically, this was yesterday’s Bacon quote, but I’m making it today’s Littlest Winslow bacon…

Bacon Love 2011 Calendar: Deliciousness every day!

I got this little awesome mini-calendar for Christmas and man, am I glad I found this in my stocking. The back of the box tells me that “the world is a much better (and tastier) place with delicious bacon in it.” I couldn’t agree more. Each day, bacon lovers will enjoy bacon trivia, recipes and…

Nick wants this immediately

The Worley Gig posted about this Bacon Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix awhile ago, and I still can’t seem to get it out of my mind!  You can get the mix at WishingFish, yanno, when it’s not sold out and backordered like whoa due to its awesomeness. Here’s the delicious description: “The newest member of the…

Mmm, bacon.

I’m tempted to give “bacon” it’s own category… Dude, Skulls and Bacon is a ridiculously awesome blog! You guys should check it out; I’m adding it to the blogroll as well. How addicted are YOUUUU!?